All Categories > Ops Hub
10 articles
You can configure Permit Types in Ops Hub to view and manage Permits within your Agency portal. You can manage Permits and Permit Types in Operations > Permits. Permit Types. You can configure and pu…
Updated 7 months ago by Janelle Heuton
Configuring Custom Reports. Operations Hub includes a flexible Report Builder along with Maps Hub Integration. You can access Reports in Operations > Reports. You have the option to create and save c…
Updated 9 months ago by Janelle Heuton
Meters will always reside in Operations Hub in the Meter Inventory. Even if you do not have the full version Operations Hub enabled, meters will exist in the Asset Repository and will be associated w…
Updated 10 months ago by Janelle Heuton
If you have both Utility Billing Hub ("UB Hub") and Operations Hub ("Ops Hub") enabled, automated integration between Service Requests and Work Orders will save time and increase transparency among d…
Updated 1 year ago by Janelle Heuton
Work Orders are used to schedule, assign, and track work being done on your Assets. You can view, edit, and create Work Orders in Operations > Work Orders. Work Orders. The Work Orders page will disp…
Ops Hub enables you to manage citizen Projects, which includes issuing Permits, tracking Inspections, and assigning other Tasks under a single Project. You can manage Inspections and Inspection Types…
You can manage Contractors in Ops Hub to streamline data entry and manage the licensed contractors who are able to perform work for your residents. You can manage Contractors and Contractor Types in…
Operations Hub ("Ops Hub") is used to manage your assets and the various work and tasks associated with those assets. Ops Hub includes the following entities: Assets, Work Orders, Permits, Inspection…
Use Inspections to create, assign, and manage Inspections. Inspections can be associated with Projects, Permits, or they can be stand-alone. You can manage Inspections and Inspection Types in Operati…
Assets are core to Ops Hub. An asset is a physical item, like a property location, meter, or fire hydrant, which exists in the city and around work is tracked. All Assets live in the Asset Repository…