Payments FAQ

Updated by Kofi Boaten

Will I need to generate and submit an ACH file for AutoPay to run?
No. Any Public User enrolled in AutoPay through FrontDesk will automatically be charged according to when you designated AutoPay to run in your payment settings. You can find more information on that here.
Will citizens incur a fee for paying through FrontDesk?
That depends on what was agreed upon with your sales contact when you purchased FrontDesk. Please refer to your FrontDesk contract for additional details.
Can citizens submit partial payments towards their balance?
Yes, they can. Reference the article linked here for more information.
Can I manually enroll a user in AutoPay if they don’t want to create their own profile?
Yes. Refer to the documentation linked here for more information.
If I manually enroll my customer in ACH, can the citizen still create a login later?
Yes. In this scenario, the citizen will receive an additional question asking them to verify the payment method that is linked to their profile.
If a citizen pays but I haven’t yet run my Receipt Update, will they still show up on my delinquent list/ shutoff list?
No. SimpleCity will be able to discern that there is a "pending payment" sitting out there for the customer, so they will be excluded from showing up in any delinquent or shutoff reports.
What happens if I get an NSF (Non Sufficient Funds) returned payment?
You would need to follow the procedures linked here to post the payment back on their account and assess them a fee if necessary.
Can citizens put a credit balance towards their account?
When paying an outstanding bill, citizens can overpay by a maximum of $100. That amount is added to their Utility Account balance as a credit. If the customer's balance utility balance is 0 or if they have a credit balance, they would not be able to make additional payments towards their balance.
Can Public Users have separate Utilities linked to separate AutoPay payment methods?
Not at this time. If the citizen links their utility accounts to FrontDesk and enables AutoPay, only one payment method can be used to take care of the balance for all accounts. This is an enhancement that gWorks plans on implementing in the near future.
How will FrontDesk Payments display on customers bank?
The legal name of your agency will appear as the merchant description when your customer views their bank charge.

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