Public User Legal Name Verification

Updated by Janelle Heuton

By default, Public Users in FrontDesk can update their Legal Name for their individual account or Trade Name for a Business Account. Any changes made will update FrontDesk and SimpleCity automatically. You as the Agency User have the option to prevent this update from happening without manual verification. If you opt to turn on "Legal Name Verification," your Public Users can request a change to their Legal Name but that request must be approved by you, the Agency, before any changes take place.

The Legal Name is what is displayed on all invoices. The Display Name is used for the Public User's FrontDesk account only.

  1. First, you must enable Legal Name Verification. This setting can be found under the Admin Settings Tab of the Settings Hub. To turn on Legal Name Verification, toggle the switch to on.
  2. Once this is enabled, Public User can now request an update to their legal name. To do this, they would open the My Account tab of their FrontDesk portal and click on Edit next to their information. To request a name change, they would click on the pencil icon next to the Legal Name field. They can enter their new legal name and click "Update."

The request will now show as pending to the Public User until it has been approved or denied by you.

  1. As an Agency User, you will receive a system notification if a Public User has requested a Legal Name change. Your Inbox will show one additional message. Click on the notification to be taken to your Inbox. Click on System to see the System Notifications. You will see a message indicating a new Legal Name change has been submitted Click on the link in the notification to view the request.
  2. You may approve or deny the Legal Name change request. Add a note to indicate the reason for approval or denial and then click either Approve or Deny. You may choose to request additional validation from the Public User as needed.
  1. If approved, the Public User profile will not display the newly approved Legal Name and all invoices going forward will display the new Legal Name. If the request is denied, the Public User will receive a notification in their FrontDesk account indicating it has been denied. In this case, there will be no change to the Legal Name in FrontDesk or on invoices.

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