These instructions are intended for Agencies who use Utility Billing Hub in gWorks Cloud but are still using SimpleCity General Ledger and Bank Reconciliation Modules.
gWorks Cloud will create two files daily that includes all of the payments entered into UB Hub that day. These files will import the appropriate General Ledger journal entries and Bank Reconciliation deposit. This will affect how you close down your drawer and create your deposit.
Each day your agency could receive payments three different ways:
Utility payments received at the counter that are entered into UB Hub (cash and check)
Other revenue received at the counter (checks and cash)
FrontDesk payments (credit cards and e-checks)
Closing Down Your Drawer
gWorks recommended best practice is to count your drawer down to its standard amount at the end of each day and prepare two deposits, one for utility payments and one for all other payments received. This will allow you to catch and correct any mistakes made in UB Hub and will ensure that your bank statement matches Bank Reconciliation.
Note: If you can keep your utility payments separate from other revenue received at the counter, it will make closing down your drawer easier.
To close down your drawer each evening you will need to:
Count down your drawer and total your cash and checks that need to be deposited.
Run the Cash Register Report in UB Hub. This will print a listing of all utility payments received that day. In UB Hub, click Reports.
Select Cash Register and enter the current date in the Date Range. Then click Run.
In SimpleCity, print the Receipt Listing in Receipt Management using the current day’s date.
The total amount of cash and checks on the Receipt Listing and Cash Register should match the total amount of cash and checks you are depositing at the bank. If it does not match, doublecheck that your checks have been entered correctly. It is not unusual for the deposit to be off by a small amount. Errors can be made when giving customers change. If the amount is less than $5 and you have doublechecked your checks, adjust the amount of the deposit. See the When Your Drawer Doesn’t Tie Out section below.
Prepare two deposit slips, one for utility payments entered in UB Hub and one for all other payments received at the counter. Put the deposits in a safe or cash box. You will take the deposits to the bank the next day, after you have verified the deposits match General Ledger and Bank Reconciliation.
Updating General Ledger and Bank Reconciliation
The following morning you will download and import the files from gWorks Cloud and run Update Receipts.
Note: Payments received in the drop box after hours will need to be entered using the date they are entered into UB Hub. You will not be able to back date them to the previous day.
First thing in the morning, back up your data files using the RM-1 Backup ID before posting any payments in Receipt Management.
FrontDesk payments will sync automatically when you log into SimpleCity.
Print the Receipt Listing using the previous day’s date. The total amount of cash and checks on the listing should match the total amount of cash and checks in the deposit you prepared the previous day.
Back up your data using the RM-2 Backup ID.
Select Entry | Update Receipts. Update the receipts for the previous day. The total amount updated to General Ledger and the deposit(s) listed on the Update Receipts Journal should match your Receipt Listing and your deposit slip.
The following is an example of the Receipt Listing. The total amount of Cash and Checks should match the deposit amount on the Update Receipts journal.
The following is an example of the Update Receipts journal. The deposit amount should match the total amount of cash and checks on the Receipt Listing.
Run the General Ledger and Bank Reconciliation import programs in non-update mode. The General Ledger Import Transactions journal, Bank Reconciliation Import Transactions journal, and the Cash Register for UB Hub should all match the deposit prepared the night before. If these match, run each of the import programs again in update mode. File a copy of the Cash Register, GL Import Journal, BK Import journal, and deposit slip for audit purposes.
When Your Drawer Doesn’t Tie Out
If the total amount to be deposited doesn’t match your Receipt Listing and Cash Register, first doublecheck that all checks received were entered correctly. If a check was entered incorrectly, you will need to either void the payment in UB Hub and re-enter it or void the receipt in Receipt Management and re-enter it.
If the checks are correct, and the amount is off by less than $5, this is typically due to an error when giving change. You adjust the deposit using these steps:
Use an Over/Under Revenue Code to adjust the amount of the deposit. The standard Over/Under Revenue Code is OVR/UND, however yours may be different. If the deposit is less than the receipt listing, post a negative amount. If the deposit is more than the Receipt Listing, post a positive amount. For example, if the physical deposit was .13 less than the receipt listing, you would post a .13- to the OVR/UND Revenue Code.If the physical deposit was .52 more than the Receipt Listing, you would post .52 to the OVR/UND Revenue Code.