These instructions are intended for Agencies who use Utility Billing Hub in gWorks Cloud but are still using SimpleCity General Ledger and Bank Reconciliation Modules.
Everyday, Finance Hub will generate two files containing the journal entry and deposit for utility payments entered in UB Hub. These will need to be imported directly into your SimpleCity General Ledger and Bank Reconciliation Modules to keep your data current.
Download the files. Click on Finance, then select Settings | Export Files. Each file will be listed with the date the file was created. Files that have been exported will have a green checkmark next to the file name and the date they were exported. You can re-export a file if needed. Click Export to download the file.
Save the files. The files will be in a zipped folder, saved in your Downloads folder. You will need to copy them to your Datafile folder, extract the files, and rename them. Copy the UB_ExportFiles folder to your u\datafile folder.
Extra the files. Once you have copied the zipped folder to your datafile folder, right click on the folder and select Extract All...Extract the files to your datafile folder.
Rename the files. Finance Hub names the files with a date stamp so that they are unique. To import them into SimpleCity, you will need to rename them.
Change the name of the file that begins with UB_BK to BKIMPORT.CSV Change the name of the file that begins with UB_GL to GLIMPORT.CSV
Import the files. To import the General Ledger file, select Entry | ImportTransactions. Change the posting date to the date the money was deposited in the bank. This should be the same date you use to import the Bank Reconciliation file. Select Yes in the Update? field. Then select DTI-CSV in the Import File Format field. Click Process (F12).
To import the Bank Reconciliation file, select Processing | ImportTransactions. Change the posting date to the date the money was deposited in the bank. This should be the same date you use to import the General Ledger file. Select Yes in the Update? field. Then select DTI-CSV in the Import File Format field. Click Process (F12).
Save the journals that print with the records of the day’s deposit.