Setting Up Revenue Codes

Updated by Janelle Heuton

You can easily set up new Revenue Codes in Finance Hub > Settings > Accounts Receivable

Click Revenue Code Setup at the top right of the screen, then click Add New Code.

On the Add New Code screen, fill out the following fields:

  1. Revenue Code – Enter a unique code for this revenue. gWorks recommends a description of the revenue. You will select this code when entering revenue.
  2. Description – Enter a description of the revenue code.
  3. Bank # – Select the Bank where the revenue is deposited.
  4. Description. A second description box will appear for additional details. This field is optional.
  5. Memo. This field provides you with a space to add notes. This field is optional.
  6. Payment Type. Select the form of payment from the dropdown menu you would like the revenue to default to.
  1. GL Account #. 
    1. Select at least two GL accounts. At least one account must be a debit account and the other must be a credit account. Both account numbers must begin with the same Fund number to prevent cross-fund posting. You may add as many accounts as you need.
    2. Enter percentage values for each account. The percentage value of all credit accounts must equal 100%. The percentage value of all debit accounts must also equal 100%.
  2. Once you have verified that all of the information is correct, click Add.

Editing the Code

You can maintain any field except the Revenue Code name on the Edit Code screen. Revenue Codes for each module display different fields. For more information about each Code field, see the Setting up Revenue Codes help docs linked at the end of this document for the module you need.

Deleting a Revenue Code

You can delete a Revenue Code that has not yet been used in an AR Receipt Run, by clicking the Delete button at the bottom left of the screen.

A message will appear above the Delete Button if the Code has been used during the current and previous fiscal year. You cannot delete the code if you see this message.

Inactivating a Revenue Code

The Status button is located below the Revenue Code field at the top of the screen. If you no longer want to use a revenue code, you can inactivate it by clicking the Status button to toggle it from Active to Inactive.

A message will appear above the Status button if the code has been used during the current and previous fiscal years. You cannot inactivate the code if you see this message.

Updating Your Changes

Once you have completed making changes to the revenue code Edit screen, click the Update button to save your changes.

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