FrontDesk PDF not Available

Updated by Kofi Boaten

For agencies with FrontDesk who are currently using the SimpleCity Utility Billing Desktop, you may experience issues with the FrontDesk PDF not being available to the public user. The following explains what actions you should take to reattempt the bill upload to FrontDesk.

  1. In SimpleCity go to: Utility Billing > Options > Tools > Reset for Bill Upload
  2. In SimpleCity go to: Utility Billing > Options > Tools > FrontDesk Bill Upload
  3. If you only have one account that is having issues viewing the pdf, you will specify that account in the "Beginning Account" & "Ending Account" fields
  4. If you have more than one account, leave thew account information blank
  5. Make sure your FrontDesk Bill Format Code is 2
  1. Click Process for F12
  2. Locate the folder on your computer that your invoices upload to. Many are found under
    1. U/B/ARCHIVE/ "date of your last billing run"
  1. When looking in your folder, you will see the auto population of your invoices. Once they are in the fodler, they will upload to FrontDesk. If you have multiple invoices uploading, this may take a few minutes.
Please refrain from exiting your SimpleCity software, making any corrections in utility accounts, for example running penalties or balance corrections of your invoice(s) upload.

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