Fuel Adjustments

Updated by Janelle Heuton

You have the option to configure Fuel Adjustments, or additional charges for fuels such as gas or electricity to transfer the cost of buying the fuel from the market to the Utility Accounts. The Fuel Adjustment is a dollar/unit that will be multiplied by the total Consumption Units to generate the Consumption Charges.

Fuel Adjustments must be configured so they can be applied during the Billing Cycle.

Configure Fuel Adjustment Settings

A Fuel Adjustment is configured at the Agency level. Once the basic settings are configured, the Fuel Adjustment may be applied to eligible services each billing cycle. You'll have the opportunity to enter the specific rate for the Fuel Adjustment each billing cycle.

Fuel Adjustments are configured in Utility Billing > Settings > Billing > Fuel Adjustment.

  1. First, select the Eligible Service(s) for the Fuel Adjustment.
  2. Next, select whether the Fuel Consumption will be based on the Previous Consumption charge from the previous billing cycle or the Present Consumption for the current billing cycle.
  3. Choose whether the Fuel Adjustment should be Tax Exempt by toggling this on or off. If the Fuel Adjustment is taxable, it will utilize the same Tax Table configured for the specific Service on the Utility Account.
  4. Choose whether the Fuel Adjustment should be included as a separate line item on the bill. If this toggle is off, the Fuel Adjustment charges will be included with the regular Service charge for each service on the account.
  5. Click Save to save the configuration.

Applying Fuel Adjustments

Fuel Adjustment charges are applied during the normal billing cycle based on the configuration you have set up. After applying one-time charges, you'll have the opportunity to apply a Fuel Adjustment before the final charges are calculated based on the designated rate table.

During this process, input whether a Fueld Adjustment is required for each eligible service (configured above) for that billing cycle. If yes, you will input the Fuel Adjustment rate as a dollar per unit. The rate can be positive or negative.

For example, the normal rate for billing electricity may be $.76/kWh. You may add an additional Fuel Adjustment rate of $.06/kWh.

The Fuel Adjustment is calculated as the calculated consumption for that service multiplied by the Adjustment rate. The calculated consumption used will either be the previous month's consumption or the current month's consumption depending on the Fueld Adjustment configuration.

After the Fuel Adjustment is calculated, it will be added to the total amount due. If you have configured the Fuel Adjustment to display as a separate line item, it will display on the invoice.

Viewing Historical Fuel Adjustments

A history of all Fuel Adjustments used during billing can be found in Utility Billing > Billing > Fuel Adjustment Rates. View each Fuel Adjustment rate and when it was applied for each Service.

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