FrontDesk payment didn't update to Receipt Management

Updated by Kofi Boaten

Utility Billing Inquiry

If a payment is not updated in Receipt Management, the payment won't be applied to the Account's utility balance. In this case, it will be left as an "outstanding payment" on their Utility Account. The customer wouldn't be penalized or appear on shutoffs, but the outstanding balance will be added as arrears after the next billing run.

You can verify an outstanding payment on their Utility Account. In SimpleCity, navigate to Utility Billing > Inquiry. Look up the customer and then click on the Balance tab. On the lower left hand of that window, a message would display "Outstanding Payment."

To post the payment, you will need to do the following:

  1. Run the Receipt Listing for the date the payment originated
  2. Backup your data using Rm-2 Back up ID
  3. Run your receipt update for the same date

Non-Updated Transactions Report

You can also generate a report to view multiple outstanding payments over a specified time period.

In Receipt Management, navigate to Receipt Management > Entry > Receipt Listing. Specify the begin and end date that you want to check for nonupdated payments, then change the "print Only Non-Updated Transactions" to Yes, then hit F12. A receipt listing of any nonupdated payments over that range will be generated.

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