HR Hub Reports

Updated by Janelle Heuton

HR Hub includes default reports you need to generate when filing taxes and submitting information to various Federal and State Agencies. HR Hub will automatically generate some reports on a regular basis. Other reports can be generated at any time for any time period.

HR Hub includes the following reports:

  • Payroll Register Report
  • Federal and State Tax Report
  • 941
  • Worker's Compensation Report
  • Unemployment Reports for each State
  • Pension Reports required by each State

Generating a Report

To view and download a Report, go to HR > Reports. To view or download one of the automated reports, go to the row of the report you want to download and click the icon for the format you wish: PDF, Excel, or Word. This will download that report so you can view it and submit it to the correct Agency.

Payroll Register Report

HR Hub will automatically create a Payroll Register Report for each Payroll Run that is completed. This happens when the Complete Payroll button is clicked to finalize the Payroll Run. This Report will include the payroll details of all employees included in the Payroll Run such as the Pay Type, Hours, Rate, Method, Amount, Deduction, Gross Pay, Federal Tax, State Tax, Social Security, Medicare, and Net Pay. The details will be broken out by employee and also totaled at the bottom of the report. You can download the report as a CSV or PDF.

Note: The Method on the Payroll Register Report is abbreviated. H = Hourly. S = Salary. A = Allowance. P = Per Item Pay. For pay associated with Holidays, Leave, or overtime the Method will display as H.

Tax Reports

HR Hub will automatically create the Federal and State Tax Reports based on your State and the Payment Frequency you have set for each entity in HR > Settings > City Settings.

HR Hub will automatically create the 941 each quarter that you can download and submit to the proper Federal Agency.

Unemployment Reports, and Pension Reports

For many states, HR Hub will automatically generate a Pension Report and Unemployment Report. You can download these reports from the Reports Table. For most states, Unemployment Reports and Pension Reports should be in the correct format required by your State Agency.

Worker's Compensation Reports

To generate the Worker's Compensation Report, click Generate Compensation Report in the top right corner of the screen. Select the date range you wish to include and then click Generate Report.

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