Where does the Public User's Amount Due come from?

Updated by Janelle Heuton

This article will explain how the balance is populated for each Public User and how that amount gets updated.

How is the Total Amount Due Calculated?

Wen a Public User logs into FrontDesk, they will see an Account Summary showing the total amount they have due.

The total Amount Due is based on all the following variables:

  1. Any invoice balance due populated from SimpleCity Utility Billing after Cycle Billing Update is complete;
  2. Less any payments received via SimpleCity or through FrontDesk;
  3. Plus any Utility Billing Penalties assessed in SimpleCity for late payment;
  4. Less any Utility Billing Penalty Reversals conducted in SimpleCity;
  5. Plus any Utility Billing Real Time Miscellaneous Charges posted in SimpleCity;
  6. Plus any Corrective Billing transactions made through SimpleCity;
  7. Plus any Forms Fees Due from Completed and Approved Forms with Fees Due.

What if the Amount Due is not the same as the balance due in SimpleCity Utility Billing?

There are times when the Public User Balance Due will NOT equal the true Balance Due in Utility Billing. This will happen when:

  1. A Payment in SimpleCity is back-dated and updated AFTER the cycle Billing Invoice has been produced and updated.
  2. A Balance Adjustment is posted to a Utility Account in SimpleCity Utility Billing. The Amount Due in FrontDesk will not change based on a Balance Adjustment completed in SimpleCity Utility Billing. We recommend adjusting balances through Real Time Miscellaneous Charges or Corrective Billing.
  3. A Reverse Payment is posted in SimpleCity Utility Billing based on an NSF or returned check.
  4. A Reverse Payment is posted as an error in SimpleCity Utility Billing.
  5. The Public User owes money for a Form Fee, which is included in the Amount Due shown in FrontDesk. Keep in mind that forms fees will only appear in FrontDesk and will not appear in SimpleCity under the Public User's Utility Account balance.

In situations causes by reasons 1 through 4 above, the total Amount Due will correct itself with the next billing cycle when the new billed amount is sent to FrontDesk.

If the mismatch needs to be corrected before the next billing cycle, you can take the following actions:

  1. The Public User can remove themselves from AutoPay to avoid having the wrong amount deducted from their bank account. In this case, you would need to notify the Public User or, with their permission, make the change on their behalf. The Public User may then manually adjust their payment for open invoices by making a payment and then choosing to pay up to $100 more or $100 less through their Public user Payment portal. See Overpaying a Utility Bill for more information on how to overpay a utility bill.
  2. Invoices may be canceled or reopened through FrontDesk in certain situations if necessary. This will primarily be used when a payment is reversed in SimpleCity Utility Billing and needs to be re-opened for payment.

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