Posting Journal Entries

Updated by Vanessa Borges

Posting Journal Entries

  1. Go to Finance > Accounting > General Ledger.
  2. Click Post Journal Entries
  1. Reference – Input the reference number or description of the original entry which you are making a transfer, correction, or adjustment to. 
  2. Posting Date – Choose the date for the entry.
  3. Journal Entry Type – Select one of the following types:

Normal: For fund transfers between accounts.

Audit Adjustment: If directed by an auditor.

Error Correction: To fix a mistake in a previous entry.

  1. Additional Reference:(Optional) Add extra information if needed.
  2. GL Account #: Select accounts to adjust. Click ADD NEW to add more accounts, or the red trash can icon to remove one.
  1. Debit: Enter the amount to deduct from each account.
  2. Credit: Enter the amount to transfer to each account. Ensure total debits equal total credits.
  3. Reference: (Optional) Add specific references for each GL account.
  4. To post a Journal Entry, click Post.

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