Voiding and Reissuing AP Checks

Updated by Vanessa Borges

To void a check:

  1. Go to Finance > Accounts Payable > Vendor Management.
  2. Select the Vendor you need.
  3. Click on the Invoices tab.
  4. Choose the invoice linked to the payment you want to void.
  5. Click the Void Payment button.
  1. A new screen will appear. Enter the reason and the date for voiding. Click Void Payment.

You can either:

  • Void Payment: Marks the invoice as unpaid, allowing you to re-process it. This action is typically used when the invoice was issued to the correct vendor, but requires adjustments to the amount or other details.
  • Delete Invoice: Removes both the payment and the invoice from the system. This option is used when the invoice is a duplicate, unnecessary, or was created for the wrong vendor.

To reissue a voided check, you would need to create a new invoice and process it per your usual procedures.

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