How to Create a List of Compound Meters for Migration

Updated by Janelle Heuton

If you are upgrading from SimpleCity to UB Hub, you'll need to provide a list of your compound meters so we can ensure they migrate correctly.

Follow the instructions below to obtain a list of compound meters in SimpleCity.

  1. In SimpleCity Utility BIlling Module, Select Reports > Data Export Template Builder.
  2. Enter a Template Name, such as “WATER METER TYPES”
  3. Select the radio button for Service Info.
  4. Double click on the following Available Fields to move them to the right.
    1. Account Number
    2. Meter Number
    3. Serial Number
    4. Service Code
    5. Meter Type
  5. Save the template
  6. Click on the Export Data icon.
  7. Select your WATER METER TYPES template.
  8. Select Yes to Include Shut Off Accounts.
  9. Select all account status values except Inactive.
  10. Check only the WATER service on the right.
  11. Click Process. This will save as a CSV in the indicated directory.
  12. Browse to the file directory and open the CSV file.
  13. Save the file as an Excel file type.
  14. Highlight the first row. Turn on Filtering.
  15.  Click the dropdown arrow next to Meter Type.
  16. Select only ADD METER.

If there are no records with ADD METER type, then you do not have Compound meters as defined by UB Hub.

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