Variable Fees

Updated by Janelle Heuton

If your form requires a fee, you may choose to use a flat fee or a variable fee. A variable fee will be different depending on certain criteria within the form and is based on fields the Public User fills out.

For example, a Pet License may cost less for a pet that has been Spayed or Neutered than for an unaltered pet. Or you may charge one fee for a cat, a different fee for a dog, and a third fee for an exotic animal. You may have as many variables as you'd like. If you choose to utilize multiple variables, the fee will be a sum total of all the applicable inputs chosen by thePublic User.

Fees can only be based on questions using the "Option List" type.

To utilize variable fees in your form, follow the steps below.

  1. First, set up your form complete with sections and questions. Your variable fee must be based on an existing question in the form using the Option List type. This can be either a Multi-Select question, where the Public User can input multiple choices, or a single dropdown list.
  2. Once your questions have been added, open the Form Parameters and open the Fee Schedule. Make sure Variable is selected as the Fee Type. This section will automatically populate with any questions you have created using the Option List Type. You'll have the opportunity to enter a fee for each selection.
    1. You don't need to enter a fee for each question using the Option List type; if you don't want the fee to be based on a particular question, simply leave the amount blank.
  3. Fill out the fee based on the answer in the box provided. When you're done, Save the form.


In our example, we charge different fees based on Gender and Reproductive Status, Vaccinations, and Sterilization.

  • The form requires the Public User to choose a gender and reproductive status from a dropdown menu with four options.
  • The form requires the Public User to submit documentation proving current rabies vaccination and an Internal Use section that verifies whether this has been done with a yes or a no (only Agency Users can update the yes or no based on the files that were uploaded).
  • The form requires the Public User to submit documentation proving sterilization and an Internal Use section that verifies whether this has been done with a yes or a no (only Agency Users can update the yes or no based on the files that were uploaded).

Because we have all these questions in our form created as the Option List type and required, we can create a variable fee based on the answers. When we open the Fee Schedule, all questions using the "Option List" type will appear here. We will update the fee for each.

The fees will total based on all the selections. In the example above, if I have a Spayed Female but have not provided proof of rabies vaccination or sterilization, my total would be $38. If I have provided proof of rabies vaccination and sterilization both, the fee would only be $8.

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